Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Eric G.B. Evans, Glenn L. Millhauser. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 2015; 563:503-27. doi: 10.1016/bs.mie.2015.06.008. Epub 2015 Jul 2
  • Xu, Ze-Qi; Xu, Z.-Y. Recent Progress in Development of Antibiotics against Gram-Negative Bacteria. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 2013; 48(7): 993–1004.
  • Gelhaus, H.C.; Anderson, M.S.; Fisher, D.A.; Flavin, M.T.; Xu, Ze-Qi; Sanford, DC. Efficacy of Post Exposure Administration of Doxycycline in a Murine Model of Inhalational Melioidosis. Sci Rep 2013; 3:1146. doi: 10.1038/srep01146.
  • R. James Christie, Ryan Fleming, Binyam Bezabeh, Rob Woods, Shenlan Mao, Jay Harper, Augustine Joseph, Qianli Wang, Ze-Qi Xu, Herren Wu, Changshou Gao, Nazzareno Dimasi, “Stabilization of cysteine-linked antibody drug conjugates with N-aryl maleimides”, Journal of Controlled Release, 220, 660–670 2015, Link
  • Stelios Florinas, Marc Liu, Ryan Fleming, Lilian Van Vlerken-Ysla, Joanne Ayriss, Ryan Gilbreth, Nazzareno Dimasi, Changshou Gao, Herren Wu, Ze-Qi Xu, Shaoyi Chen, Anjaneyulu Dirisala, Kazunori Kataoka, Horacio Cabral, R. James Christie, “A Nanoparticle Platform To Evaluate Bioconjugation and Receptor-Mediated Cell Uptake Using Cross-Linked Polyion Complex Micelles Bearing Antibody Fragments”, Biomacromolecules, 17, 1818−1833 2016, DOI: Link
  • Shaoyi Chena, Stelios Florinas, Abigail Teitgen, Ze-Qi Xu, Changshou Gao, Herren Wu, Kazunori Kataokad, Horacio Cabral and R. James Christie, “Controlled Fab installation onto polymeric micelle nanoparticles for tuned Bioactivity”, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18 (1), 666–680 2017, Link
  • Wuping Ma, Richard S. Ma, Daniel Z. Fang, 45 th National Organic Symposium in Davis, CA, June 25-29, Poster No. T27, “PhI-Catalyzed α-osyloxylation of Cyclopropyl methyl ketone”.
  • Wuping Ma, Alexander J. Ma, Daniel Z. Fang, 252nd ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, August 21-25, Poster ORG528, “Bromoethylation of Phenols”.

Referenced in Peer-Reviewed Publications